The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

Amazing Fact: Space is hiding thousands of secrets within itself. Where thousands of stars, moon, sun, meteorites and many other planets are present. If we look into space from Earth, we see a sun. All the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. But do you know that NASA has discovered a planet which has not one but 2 suns. This planet has been confirmed in recent times, you will be surprised to know this.

What did NASA tell?
According to NASA, this planet is at a distance of about 200 light years from the Earth. It has been named Kepler-16b. It is believed that this planet is also made of cold gases like Saturn. NASA’s telescope Kepler has captured its spectacular picture. This planet is compared to the Tatooine planet of the Hollywood film Star Wars. However, NASA has also said that no such indication has been found whether life is possible on this planet or not.

2 suns are visible there
You will be surprised to know that there are two suns on planet Kepler-16b, hence sunrise occurs twice and sunset occurs twice.

Scientists say that both the suns of Kepler-16b appear much smaller than the Earth’s sun. The mass of the first Sun is 69 percent of the Earth’s Sun, while the mass of the second Sun is 20 percent of the Earth’s Sun. NASA has estimated that the temperature of the first Sun ranges from minus 73 to 101 degrees Celsius and the duration of a year on that planet is 229 days.

Water can be found on the planet
NASA has told that this planet is partly made of rocks, where there are chances of finding water. When it was discovered in 2011, scientist Bill Borucki had said that there could be a possibility of life on this planet… but later it was said that it does not seem completely likely. NASA deployed the Kepler telescope in 2009 to capture the Milky Way of more Earth-like planets.

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